vendredi 24 octobre 2014

Green tourism

Green tourism

And increasingly important role of protecting the environment and climate in the field of tourism, where Aryalkhbra that it can play a leading role in the world, and through its role in the issue of climate shifts and sustainable tourism. 

Is associated with the concept of green tourism or sustainable tourism, tourism programs that take into account the needs of the environment and local cultures in order to take into account the sustainability of tourism projects in the economic side, and the preservation of the environment from pollution in integrated programs where fun and preserving the environment. 
But In this regard it should be noted first that the activities and tourist facilities that support the practices of traditional tourism have a major impact on the quality of the environment and the level of environmental diversity, which can not be Ntfadah not painstakingly, and some permanent can not be treated or repaired, so it is resorting to planning carefully to make less damage, and often resort to environmental compensation elsewhere. 

In terms of the direct effects of the tourism industry on the environment: 

Increase the rate of the demand for drinking water and excessive water consumption as a result of the low environmental awareness among tourists. 
A rise in the amount of sewage and pressure processing systems or exceeded the absorptive capacity, and almost out of water treatment is discharged to the marine environment or in the valleys, and up to groundwater. 
High rates of production of municipal solid waste (garbage) as a result of the increase in population as well as to the nature of tourism programs and tourist conditions and environmental consciousness. 
Exceeded the amount of waste produced system capacity accumulate waste and sub-par level of cleaning services. 
Congestion is the impact of the most troublesome, as it may refer the picnic tourists to experience the harsh, does not wish to be repeated; Increasing the number of cars on the roads, especially in standby mode, resulting in large amounts of asphyxiating gases such as sulfur and nitrogen oxides and the first carbon dioxide and some vehicles that have not up to the end of combustion, all this work on the high level of air pollution, and cause a high rate of noise pollution to levels we consider Dodaúaa. 
Increased pollution beaches, where there is waste left by tourists and behind him, and there are resorts and hotels that throw, or leaking waste liquid, sometimes solid, and leak out of the boats and vehicles of marine fuel oils may prevent or hinder access of oxygen to the sea water, and adversely affect the organisms and marine communities, add to the noise produced by the engines and caused inconvenience pushes some organisms to migrate. 

Add to that all of the above elements of the natural environment is not only concerned with pollution, Vllsaahh effects on the culture of local communities and individual behaviors. 
Here, we must search for a solution to that problem, so I can not give up the tourism activities that generate funds and support the economy and stimulate development programs other, and a person needs also for recreation; Tourism industry is integrated with economic sectors and development and cultural programs other and are connected by organically. So we must turn to the concept of green tourism to alleviate those negative effects. 

In the toolkit for sustainable tourism in the Arab world known as the United Nations Environment sustainable tourism as "the optimal exploitation of the tourist sites in terms of the entry of tourists numbers balanced tourist sites to be informed in advance and know the importance of the tourist areas and deal with them in a friendly way, so as to prevent damage to the two parties. "

Permission; Tourism Green relies primarily on awareness of the tourist and the instructions and tourism programs carefully prepared, and because of environmental awareness in our society has not lived up after the level can be relied upon to deal with and preserve the environment, it is incumbent on us, doubling the effort and focus on the other elements of sustainable tourism . And prepare a plan to ensure the flow of traffic to walk smoothly which is necessary, for example, can prevent the entry of vehicles that are not carrying more than two passengers, or build long positions and the conduct of public transport buses that are available and where amenities. And can be customized places to enjoy the elements of nature, do not enter cars not up to the hype. 
The water crisis can be solved by voluntary or forced rationalization of tourist establishments, which are tried and tested methods can be studied and choose the right ones. It is also necessary to intensify the work of cleaning and maintenance of the tourist areas, fool ashamed and shy away Pfdilath be cast in a clean place, and vice versa, but more than that, perhaps encouraged him to have done. 

And expresses a large number of people who are aware of the importance of green tourism, and who are willing to travel eco-friendly, their views on how to preserve the climate and the environment surrounding that green tourism contributes to this by: 

Contribute to reducing the amount of exhaust gas user, so choosing areas near the vacation and tourism, which helps to not use the car heavily. 
Began some companies and hotels operating in the tourism sector to build hotels and resorts neutral about the climate in different places of the world, concerned with management where rational use of energy and water, where they are processing the entire building with low consumption of energy, with the replacement of heating devices ancient plants heating modern. 
Focus on the use of certain means of transport eco-friendly tourist destination to places, where they can use the trains and bicycles and other means is not harmful to the environment. 
Give a picture of the new natural place, which is a pole of tourism contributes to the upgrading and rehabilitation of eco-tourism. 

Finally;, the application of the concept of sustainable tourism and the inclusion of the environmental dimension in the work of tourism means that there is a clean, environmentally friendly tourism and community-friendly and cost-effective high.

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